Monday, May 4, 2009

Until then, Boston

I am emotionally unprepared to disclose the circumstances at the moment but, for one reason or another, I find myself taking a brief hiatus from my life in New England. I say brief because I know I am destined to return at some point in my life. I have lived north of Boston for just under two years now, but my heart has belonged to New England since a very early age. My Uncle John, Mum's youngest older brother, raised his family on the north shore of Massachusetts, and we started visiting before I can remember. I fell in love with everything instantly: the people, the food, the outdoors, the lifestyle... even as a little girl I knew this was where I wanted to settle down with my family. I have yet to start a family of my own but, at twenty-three, I am still quite sure of my New England fate.
Alas, however, I must leave my beloved Boston for a short while. I am off to the University of Pennsylvania to begin my Master's in Education. After a brief layover at my father's house in New York, I will venture to Philadelphia to begin a new (assuredly exciting and enlightening) phase of my life. It has become obvious to me that several chapters of my life have come to a close. Reluctant to move on, I have been re-reading those chapters in an effort to cling to certain things that I love, but it is time to bite the bullet and start anew. I am not afraid of the future - in fact, I have always been a future-oriented person - but I am for the first time realizing that certain things we hope to take along on our journey cannot, or will not, always come with us.

I am thankful for the time these "things" have spent in my life. Even though you are unable, or unwilling, to come with me, I will carry you in my heart and in my memory forever... and maybe, just maybe, you will be there when I get back.

Until then, Boston.

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