Sunday, December 9, 2012

what the dickens?!

Let the Christmas festivities begin! This weekend, amidst the chaos and routine of my usual school work, I had the pleasure of enjoying some amazing holiday activities with some of the very best people on earth. I have not had the chance to go on any "adventures" as of late, with all of the tenure-year responsibilities and tutoring. I have been crunched for money and am spending every extra minute I can get trying to earn some much-needed cash for the holidays, while Douglas is busy cramming for finals. When my cousin told me about the Christmas "Dickens Festival" being held in my beloved old home, Narberth, I refused to pass up the opportunity to participate in some holiday cheer... even if it meant I would be paying for it later. My Saturday kicked off with a trip to green eggs café in Philadelphia for some delicious breakfast with my beautiful friend, Theresa. I enjoyed some tasty salmon eggs benedict, which literally left me satisfied the entire day, and Theresa ate a decadent plate of crème brûlée french toast. Crème brûlée is my favorite dessert so, being the sweetheart she is, of course she let me sample some. Om nom nom!! Everything was so good.

After we stuffed ourselves silly and caught up over coffee, she was off to a bridesmaids' fitting for her wedding while I headed to the quaint little village of Narberth, my grad-school stomping grounds, to meet up with my cousin, Robert. Every year, Narberth holds a Charles Dickens festival, where the whole downtown area is transformed into a scene from A Christmas Carol. It is really magical! The town hires actors to portray different characters, whom the children can hunt down as part of a scavenger hunt. Local bars sell hot toddies and churches give out free home-baked goodies. It was so lovely to walk the streets of my old home, visit my cousin and his wonderful wife, and scope out the festivities. My only disappointment was that Douglas could not make it. I cannot wait to bring him next year!

My family has been gearing up for our annual holiday traditions - decorating the tree, listening to my mother's favorite Christmas music, and last minute holiday shopping. By "gearing up," I mean that I am sending them constant reminders about all of the things I have planned for them to do :) I love this time of year. What does your family do during the holiday season?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

diary of a twenty-something teacher, part ii

Yesterday afternoon, I had my second of three formal observations for my tenure year at the high school where I work. My final observation is scheduled for this Tuesday. They are not typically so close together, but everyone is feeling crunched for time before the holidays and is attempting to squeeze things in while they can. On one hand, having my last observations back to back is nice, because I am getting them all out of the way in the fall semester instead of waiting until the spring to know where I stand. On the other hand, I am a ball of stress! So much planning, so much worrying. It is all usually for naught, since I have never actually had an observation go poorly, but I am generally anxious anyway.

Yesterday's observation was with the superintendent and, in general, it went well. There is always room for improvement, so I welcome constructive feedback, and I am interested to see what he has to say. The kids were well behaved, the lesson was one of my solid stations activities focused around the Harlem Renaissance, and the timing worked out perfectly. I am so glad to be done with it. On to the next one! Gulp. I am curious to see what other go-to lesson plan ideas teachers use for observations. I always welcome new ideas/skills for my teacher "toolbox." Thoughts?
Me being a nervous nelly right before the superintendent arrived.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


The Christmas season is by far one of my favorite times of year, though it hardly comes easily. As many of you may know, my mother passed away one week before Christmas and the holidays are always slightly tainted by her absence. I do not think this is something that will ever go away but it is something I am learning to cope with, little by little. It is this time of year that I remember the snowy ride on the Chinatown bus from Boston to New York, not knowing what I was coming home to. I remember making plans to decorate her room at Greenwich hospital to try to bring some holiday cheer to her suffering, and not getting a chance to see those plans through because she was gone less than 36 hours after my arrival. I remember watching her pass away in pain and tears and fear, rather than in courage and peace and dignity, like everyone likes to pretend. Those memories are hard... but I am not someone to deny myself a good cry, so I let them come. And cry I do. And then I remember my mother dancing around the living room to "One Swinging Christmas." I remember her coming home late on Christmas Eve after working with her friend Heather only to stay up until ungodly hours wrapping presents at the last minute. I remember her signing us up to do a family rendition of "Away in a Manger" at church, much to my father and sister's chagrin, and fighting back laughter at how awful we sounded. I remember her in her long white nightgown, her sleepy voice oohing and ahhing as I opened my presents as a toddler, my dad nearby with the camcorder. I remember the voluptuous, slightly inappropriate snow-ladies she used to make in our front lawn. I remember the good things: the funny things, the heartwarming things, the things that were just her.

I will miss you this Christmas, as I have every year since you left us, and will for the rest of my life. But thank you for always reminding me of the "reason for the season," as you used to say. Thank you for bringing warmth into our home every winter. Thank you for being my mother.
Such a cutie. We miss you, Mumma. Happy Christmas.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

ten things: i want for christmas.

This year, my family has agreed on the fact that none of us have an overabundant supply of spending cash. As a result, we have all attempted to keep our Christmas list requests within a reasonable price range, i.e. no big-ticket items. Most of the things I asked for this holiday season were practical items that I need/want for my new apartment. But what is the internet for, if not for dreaming? In a much-needed escape from the real-world (think: two formal observations in a five-day span, department meetings galore, and shopping on a very tight budget) I decided to create my own little fantasy Christmas list. It was fun. Now, back to reality :) What are you dreaming about this Christmas?

1. Adobe Photoshop. I am really hoping to play around with some of my photography and editing techniques this year.
2. Singer sewing machine. Every time I work on a sewing project, I have to borrow my sister's machine. It is about time I had my own.
3. Gold men's watch. I have been wanting one for years. Why is it so hard to spoil ourselves?
4. Vintage bicycle. Who wouldn't want a set of wheels like this? Come back, summertime!
5. Leather boots. My brown boots bit the dust last summer and, with holes in the soles and threads popping out all over the place, my black ones are following close behind.
6. Frenchie pup. So, technically my apartment does not allow dogs, but my neighbor has one anyway - I would break the rules too if these cuties weren't so darn expensive (this is Iggy, ala pop pop portraits).
7. iPad. I love my MacBook, but I am really digging the stylus-capabilities of the tablet. Think of all the possibilities :)
8. KitchenAid stand mixer. Do I need it? Probably not, but I have been eying this slate gray bad-boy for quite awhile now.
9. A plane ticket. It has been way too long since Doug and I last got on an airplane. The travel bug strikes again!
10. The ring. Just kiddinggggg... I much prefer yellow gold ;)

Saturday, December 1, 2012


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here!
Road trips to visit family,
Our solitary Christmas ornament on my very first tree,
Old Pooh cookie stamps,
And good ol' Norman Rockwell. 

With the first presents of the season freshly purchased and a good house-cleaning session set to all the best Christmas tunes, I am officially in the holiday spirit. Let the countdown begin!