Sunday, February 14, 2010

San Valentino

Today is the first Valentine's Day that I am single in the past ten years. I do not say this with even a hint of sadness or disdain, although I must admit it feels a bit surreal. For as long as I can remember I have defined myself as one half of some sort of couple and this year, well, I am just "me." The day has not been passed with roses and kisses and decadent meals but rather with sweatpants and hot cups of tea and a highlighter in hand as I meticulously pore over countless papers in preparation for my master's thesis - and you know what? I am quite alright with that. Despite not having any particular person here to hold my hand or share my day with, I am in love. I am in love with you. I am in love with my life. I am in love with my family and my friends. I am in love with nature. I am in love with knowledge and with hope and possibility. So while my other "half" lies in a bed far away, not yet discovered, today I feel more complete than I ever have, alone. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. You are loved :)

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