Sunday, January 31, 2010


A haphazard look into absurdity that is my life:

I actually enjoy doing laundry, and await with anticipation the moment I can take toasty, fragrant clothes out of the dryer and scoop them up in a big embrace... I most certainly would win the award for "most water glasses accidentally knocked over." I insist on taking a glass of water with me to bed each night, even though I am a veritable klutz and knock over nearly every single one... I am from a big family and have always wanted lots of children, but each day I get this aching feeling that I will never have what I want... Coffee makes me crazy with the jitters (it is usually just silliness but sometimes I get wicked anxious) and I probably should not be allowed to have it but I love it. I cannot stop drinking it, almost incessantly now... I like all sorts of people, but have a particular affinity for the shy ones. I find their silence intriguing rather than unnerving, and like to believe they hold some secret I will get to share if I stick around long enough... I still do not know what I want to be when I grow up. I love teaching, so I hope it works out, but I have such a restless heart, I never know when I will get bored with something and want more... I talk to myself. If I get really excited I will shout out to nobody and giggle with joy, and sometimes when I get really lonely at night I whisper into my pillow. Yeah, crazy (and weird), I know... I really like owls and roosters and chickadees. I am not sure where this strange bird fixation came from, but alas, I am stricken... I have bad knees. My knee caps are insanely too small for my legs and it has caused all sorts of problems. I creak and crack like an old lady. It upsets me... I will be incredibly busy this coming month (can you believe it?), mostly with school but also with bits of fun speckled here and there. I will try my best to keep you informed but please do not hate me if I fail. I promise that I love you and I am coming back soon. Ciao!

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