Tuesday, May 8, 2012

makeover may.

So, while I am at home sick in bed with a fever and a nose running like a faucet, I figured I would update you on all the exciting things I have going on this May.  If you hadn't already guessed after a quick glance at the title, I have deemed May "makeover month."  This means that the next thirty-one days (or whatever's left) are going to be dedicated to all around self-improvement and betterment.  I think I have made some small strides since the New Year, but it's time to kick it up a notch.  May brings warmer weather, a bit more free time, and a flowery, fresh smell in the air that is just, well, inspiring.  I am happier in the springtime and I think its time to dedicate that extra smidgen of energy and enthusiasm to something productive.  Here is my current (ever-accumulating) May to-do list:

1. finish a few long-put off home projects (I am currently working on some pillow cases)
2. lose those last pesky few pounds (summer is coming - eek!)
3. read a book (easier said than done when constantly bombarded with papers to grade)
4. spend more time outdoors (Doug and I plan on going hiking this very weekend!)
5. drink more water (guilty confession: I am constantly under-hydrated)

What's on your to-do list?  Any makeover plans for your life?
I'm hoping that the end of this month will leave me a tad-bit slimmer, more learned, and more at peace with myself and the world.  For now, this ambitious girl's first goal is to recover from whatever nasty bug has caught hold of me.  Here's to a few solid days of hot tea and extra vitamin c!

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