Monday, June 18, 2012

beach days and birthdays.

Another efficient, exciting weekend successfully completed - we cannot be stopped!  In celebration of Doug's 28th birthday, we planned a bunch of little activities to keep us busy and entertained.  Friday night we went out for hibachi at our favorite local Japanese restaurant, Akira, where we both consumed an entire squid!  Mmm.  After our seafood feast, we did a little shopping and saw "Snow White and the Huntsman".  We both found the flick entertaining for the most part - a nice combination of fantasy and action with a pleasantly dark twist.  Saturday was very busy, and I have to admit I started it off a little grumpy, but it quickly turned into a day of productivity, laughing, and silliness.  We organized Doug's closet - a seemingly tedious and trivial task, but for someone who loves organizing like I do, it was a real treat.  We made our weekly run to the market a day early so that we could cook for his family - Doug's mum made meatloaf (his dad's favorite) and I cooked up some yummy (yes: yummy) brussels sprouts.  Our after-dinner outing may have been the best part, though - we got to cheat on our diet with some highly-anticipated birthday dessert at Friendly's.  I got a vanilla milkshake (don't hate, I keep it simple) and Doug got a five-scoop Reese's peanut butter cup sundae!  He let me eat one of the Reese's, of course :)  After dessert we headed to one of our (or at least one of my) favorite bars, the Pour House, for a few beers and some live music; the lead singer was so impressed by my killer dance moves that he had to get in on the action.  It was a great night and I had a blast.  Sunday was "family day" in Ocean City, and we got to spend a beautiful afternoon on the beach with some good old fashioned conversation and cookout food.  Is anyone luckier than me?

Happy birthday, Doug.  Every day I feel overwhelmed with the knowledge of how lucky I am that you are in my life.  You are my missing piece.

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