Monday, October 8, 2012

halloween classics.

Some Wilson family Halloween shots, as promised.  There are some pretty classic ones of my parents that I have still yet to track down, but keep a look out for a real treat coming soon... The fall always reminds me of family. Halloween 2008 was the last time I saw my mother "healthy" and in good spirits; it is a bittersweet memory but I will always cherish it. We are a silly bunch, but my family is the best. What is your favorite costume memory?


  1. I'll always remember when my Dad (your Grandfather) made my Statue of Liberty costume and added a flashlight for the torch. I managed to win a silver dollar at the ball field that year! I don't remember seeing any photos of the costume. The Fall is my favorite time of year and I'm so glad you have such wonderful memories and thank you for sharing! Love, Aunt Laura

    1. Thanks, Aunt Laura! That sounds like a great costume. One year I was Little Bo Peep and my siblings were my sheep. That was a fun costume, I will have to see if I can track that photo down as well.
