Tuesday, October 23, 2012

humble pie.

With the help of the Google staff, who were able to recover my site statistics after they shockingly disappeared this weekend past, I discovered that my blog reached over 20,000 all-time visits this week. Let me tell you: that was some big news for little ol' me. I am completely humbled by the dedication, encouragement, and support I have received by friends and family (and strangers all across the blogosphere). This project brings me such overwhelming joy on a personal level; to know that there are others out there interested in what I have to say, participating in my crazy little life, and offering me their love as I go along... well... I am speechless. Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking interest in my little dream.

I am on a constant quest to make this site better for those who like to visit. I would love to receive feedback on different posts that you would like to see more (or less) of, general formatting advice, and so on. I am also looking to explore potential advertisements to host on the site but have absolutely no idea where to start or what ads would be appropriate for such a blog as this. Just a glimmer of a dream to fund my "blossoming" writing career. If anyone ever has any suggestions, please feel free (yes, really) to leave comments or to shoot me an email at americaningenue{at}gmail.com.

Also: I love you. Goodnight.

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