Wednesday, October 3, 2012

never give up.

Okay, so yes, I am starting this post off with a deliciously cliché aphorism, but I am really feeling this one tonight.  As someone who is easily overwhelmed, much of my life has been a struggle between my ambitious, tenacious spirit and my over-anxious defeatism.  Mercurial creature that I am, my emotions rapidly and unpredictably fluctuate between feelings of invincibility and feelings of helplessness, personal failures met with tears and panic over a "hopeless" future, diet crashes met with pints of ice cream and pity-party binges.  But you know what? Everything always works out.  So accept setbacks for what they are: human imperfections, and try to tap into the little bit of the divine that I believe resides in each of us. All things are possible through faith, you just have to believe and to trust, as impossible as that can feel sometimes.  What I am learning as I "grow up" is that no matter what, you have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and climb back on that horse, hop back on that wagon, get back in that game (whatever metaphor suits you best).  I always have, bruises, scars and all, and the rewards always come. I am still waiting on some, but I know they will come. So that thing you want to accomplish - you know, the one that keeps lingering out of reach, the one that keeps slipping through your fingers - you can do it.  And so can I.  Good talk :)

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