Thursday, September 27, 2012

in the know.

I love to learn. Really, I do. For me, nothing compares to tapping into new information, challenging my brain, and engaging in an intellectual dialogue (with myself, a book, or any other poor soul who is nearby when I am feeling enlightened and ambitious).

My students (and my boyfriend, for that matter) think I am a laughable little dork for the excitement that I possess over education. I - partly in embarrassment, partly in pride - tell my kids about the time that Doug and I were sitting at our usual coffee joint in Haddonfield when I started tearing up (yes *sniff sniff*) because I was so overwhelmed by all there is to learn. I was so excited and amazed at the capabilities of the human mind that I actually started crying. Tears of joy, of course. Did I mention that I love to learn?  

And how lucky am I that I was able to become a teacher? Not only do I get to help others, but I get to help myself. My job requires that I am constantly exploring new topics and strategies, pushing my own limits and understandings, and participating in an ongoing discourse with other scholars and educators. How cool is that?! Being a good educator means making a commitment to lifelong learning, and I love the extra encouragement to challenge myself every day.

After a long day of teaching and tutoring, I come home today, not tired, but completely thrilled about what I do, what I learned today, and what I am going to learn tomorrow. This morning it was the challenges faced by colonial pioneers as they forced their way onto a new continent, this afternoon it was the declining power of the Catholic Church in the period following the Reformation, and this evening it was how to effectively write emails to parents that convey my empathy and support, while also insisting upon high standards. Another day down: mind expanded, passions ignited, insatiable appetite never-quite-satisfied. So, what did you learn today?

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