Monday, November 26, 2012

juice cleanse, day 4

Little juice experiment update: I am almost through day four and I caved and ate one (heaping) spoonful of all-natural peanut butter. I am trying not to let one little setback devastate me but I do feel a little guilty. Now, granted, I did successfully meet my three-day goal, but with my updated push for five days I still have just over 24 hours to go... I was interested to see how the fasting would go now that school is back in session and my response is so-so: on one hand, it was easier because I am frequently so busy at work I don't even have time to think about food. Most days I spend my lunch "hour" (40 minutes) nibbling on something while I lead a club meeting or help a student with work. So, I made it through the day surviving on my two pre-made juices... But on the other hand, trying to make it from our 11:00 AM lunch break and the conclusion of our department meeting at 4:30 was a disaster waiting to happen. Getting home, famished, at 5:00 with no juice prepared... enter peanut-butter. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day.

So, overall I did find it easier to feel comfortable on the cleanse while keeping busy at work. One of the hardest parts about being home and fasting, besides the boredom, is being around a partner who is NOT fasting. Watching Doug eat some of my favorite snacks, smelling his food while I prepared meals, staring at his glass of wine while we cuddled on the couch... torture! I would imagine this whole process would be easier if I had a juice buddy. Douglas said he might like to try a short juice cleanse like this over Christmas break, although I think he may have reconsidered after he caught a whiff of my leafy-kale beverage last night. I hope he will try it so we can do it together next time. Yes, I plan on there being a "next time."

My goal for this last day of fasting is to really take it all in and decide where I would like this whole experience to lead me next. How do you hit the "restart" button?

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